Internal disk sequencer: The doctor has cleared some myths about disease 2 May. 21:32 Category:Здоров'я та медицина

The factors that increase the risk of mushroom failure are overweight, heavy physical work, smoking says Anna Novachenko

«Не лежати і не сидіти»: що не можна робити при защемленні сідничного нерва 30 Apr. 21:33 Category:Здоров'я та медицина

Щоб зменшити запалення можна застосовувати як охолодження, так і теплові процедури

EXACTLY for the body: Why don't you refuse to use proteins? 26 Apr. 21:32 Category:Здоров'я та медицина

The protein input into the muscles, the bones, the skin, the hair, the fingernails and other organic structures that support the function of the body, writes Katherine Krupkin

Prepare to feed the "beach body": effective tips how fast to lose by summer 24 Apr. 21:32 Category:Здоров'я та медицина

ask at least eight glasses of water a day, deny the sweet drinks. Eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, beans and price beans, and meat and fish

Predictory Warning Horitical stroke: tip of the experienced cardio 23 Apr. 21:02 Category:Здоров'я та медицина

althy lifestyle and regular visit to a cardiologist is the most important, certain Anna Solomon

ROSS: p & # 39; Three simple ways 23 Apr. 18:26 Category:Здоров'я та медицина

The ability to quickly address the dentist is not always

Помічна майже при кожній хворобі: обов’язково заготовте цю диво-траву 21 Apr. 21:31 Category:Здоров'я та медицина

Для лікування маткових, легеневих і носових кровотеч, а також хронічних захворювань, готують настої кропиви дводомної, каже Наталія Земна

IPSec has no scientific statement: The diet cleared the myths for a bonnet benefit 16 Apr. 21:05 Category:Здоров'я та медицина

Meanwhile to strengthen & # 39; I'm a doctor who's more likely to drink clean water

Pick perfect time to drink coffee: He told me when to drink coffee, and when not 13 Apr. 21:01 Category:Здоров'я та медицина

The introduction of Kavava between eating is the perfect thing to use this drink, finds Katerina Krupkin's boring

mpalize to save the waist: A professional said that the perfect bite from three components 12 Apr. 21:02 Category:Здоров'я та медицина

combination of berries, nuts and organic yogurt can provide an organism with all the nutrients necessary, tells Catherine Kruppone

hard to lose extra kilograms: A professional called a reason 11 Apr. 21:03 Category:Здоров'я та медицина

Aunt Katerina Krupkin gave advice to someone who's trying to lose himself, but can't

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